Monday, February 14, 2011


I am a semi-retired, homeschooling, stay at home mom whose days are numbered. Semi-retired because after teaching at home for 11 years my 18 year old daughter is attending community college and my 15 year old daughter is attending a two day a week high school charter school. My days are numbered because I can see a time when all of my kids will be grown and gone. My older two, an almost 30 year old and a 28 year old are already on their own.

I have been doing this mom thing for a long time! It's hard to think of being something different, but that's the journey I'm on now. And I would love it if you would all join me on this new adventure.

Here's the spot where I can share my thoughts and my ideas and my feelings about this, that, and the other. I can be serious sometimes or funny at other times. I can share what I am learning about things that I am passionate about. Like cooking, nutrition, and family togetherness. Sometimes I might talk about beauty tips or money saving ideas. Maybe I'll even throw in a little crafting and sewing. We'll just have to see how it goes.

So there you have it. That's me in a nutshell. Oh yes, I've also been married to the same wonderful, mellow man for 31 years and I have three terrific grand kids. Katie, Brian, and Matthew

And that my friend is this gal's view for today.

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